$ npx hardhat
Hardhat version 2.9.9
--config A Hardhat config file.
--emoji Use emoji in messages.
--help Shows this message, or a task's help if its name is provided
--max-memory The maximum amount of memory that Hardhat can use.
--network The network to connect to.
--show-stack-traces Show stack traces.
--tsconfig A TypeScript config file.
--verbose Enables Hardhat verbose logging
--version Shows hardhat's version.
check Check whatever you need
clean Clears the cache and deletes all artifacts
compile Compiles the entire project, building all artifacts
console Opens a hardhat console
coverage Generates a code coverage report for tests
flatten Flattens and prints contracts and their dependencies
help Prints this message
node Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Hardhat Network
run Runs a user-defined script after compiling the project
test Runs mocha tests
typechain Generate Typechain typings for compiled contracts
verify Verifies contract on Etherscan
To get help for a specific task run: npx hardhat help [task]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
// Uncomment this line to use console.log
// import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract Lock {
uint public unlockTime;
address payable public owner;
event Withdrawal(uint amount, uint when);
constructor(uint _unlockTime) payable {
block.timestamp < _unlockTime,
"Unlock time should be in the future"
unlockTime = _unlockTime;
owner = payable(msg.sender);
function withdraw() public {
// Uncomment this line, and the import of "hardhat/console.sol", to print a log in your terminal
// console.log("Unlock time is %o and block timestamp is %o", unlockTime, block.timestamp);
require(block.timestamp >= unlockTime, "You can't withdraw yet");
require(msg.sender == owner, "You aren't the owner");
emit Withdrawal(address(this).balance, block.timestamp);
import {
} from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox/network-helpers";
import { anyValue } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/withArgs";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
describe("Lock", function () {
// We define a fixture to reuse the same setup in every test.
// We use loadFixture to run this setup once, snapshot that state,
// and reset Hardhat Network to that snapshot in every test.
async function deployOneYearLockFixture() {
const ONE_YEAR_IN_SECS = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
const ONE_GWEI = 1_000_000_000;
const lockedAmount = ONE_GWEI;
const unlockTime = (await time.latest()) + ONE_YEAR_IN_SECS;
// Contracts are deployed using the first signer/account by default
const [owner, otherAccount] = await ethers.getSigners();
const Lock = await ethers.getContractFactory("Lock");
const lock = await Lock.deploy(unlockTime, { value: lockedAmount });
return { lock, unlockTime, lockedAmount, owner, otherAccount };
describe("Deployment", function () {
it("Should set the right unlockTime", async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
expect(await lock.unlockTime()).to.equal(unlockTime);
it("Should set the right owner", async function () {
const { lock, owner } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
expect(await lock.owner()).to.equal(owner.address);
it("Should receive and store the funds to lock", async function () {
const { lock, lockedAmount } = await loadFixture(
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(lock.target)).to.equal(
it("Should fail if the unlockTime is not in the future", async function () {
// We don't use the fixture here because we want a different deployment
const latestTime = await time.latest();
const Lock = await ethers.getContractFactory("Lock");
await expect(Lock.deploy(latestTime, { value: 1 })).to.be.revertedWith(
"Unlock time should be in the future"
describe("Withdrawals", function () {
describe("Validations", function () {
it("Should revert with the right error if called too soon", async function () {
const { lock } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
await expect(lock.withdraw()).to.be.revertedWith(
"You can't withdraw yet"
it("Should revert with the right error if called from another account", async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime, otherAccount } = await loadFixture(
// We can increase the time in Hardhat Network
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
// We use lock.connect() to send a transaction from another account
await expect(lock.connect(otherAccount).withdraw()).to.be.revertedWith(
"You aren't the owner"
it("Shouldn't fail if the unlockTime has arrived and the owner calls it", async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime } = await loadFixture(
// Transactions are sent using the first signer by default
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
await expect(lock.withdraw()).not.to.be.reverted;
describe("Events", function () {
it("Should emit an event on withdrawals", async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime, lockedAmount } = await loadFixture(
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
await expect(lock.withdraw())
.to.emit(lock, "Withdrawal")
.withArgs(lockedAmount, anyValue); // We accept any value as `when` arg
describe("Transfers", function () {
it("Should transfer the funds to the owner", async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime, lockedAmount, owner } = await loadFixture(
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
await expect(lock.withdraw()).to.changeEtherBalances(
[owner, lock],
[lockedAmount, -lockedAmount]
您可以使用 npx hardhat test 运行测试:
$ npx hardhat test
Generating typings for: 2 artifacts in dir: typechain-types for target: ethers-v6
Successfully generated 6 typings!
Compiled 2 Solidity files successfully
✔ Should set the right unlockTime (610ms)
✔ Should set the right owner
✔ Should receive and store the funds to lock
✔ Should fail if the unlockTime is not in the future
✔ Should revert with the right error if called too soon
✔ Should revert with the right error if called from another account
✔ Shouldn't fail if the unlockTime has arrived and the owner calls it
✔ Should emit an event on withdrawals
✔ Should transfer the funds to the owner
9 passing (790ms)
6. 部署你的合约
接下来,为了部署合约,我们将使用 Hardhat 脚本。
在 scripts/ 文件夹中,您将找到一个包含以下代码的文件:
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
async function main() {
const currentTimestampInSeconds = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000);
const unlockTime = currentTimestampInSeconds + 60;
const lockedAmount = ethers.parseEther("0.001");
const lock = await ethers.deployContract("Lock", [unlockTime], {
value: lockedAmount,
await lock.waitForDeployment();
`Lock with ${ethers.formatEther(
)}ETH and unlock timestamp ${unlockTime} deployed to ${lock.target}`
// We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere
// and properly handle errors.
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;
您可以使用 npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts 运行它:
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
Lock with 1 ETH deployed to: 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3