V 2.1.3 (04-22-2022)
This version introduces FISCO BCOS support and addresses some existing issues.
FISCO BCOS Blockchain Support: Integrated support for the FISCO BCOS blockchain into ChainIDE. Users can now write, compile, deploy, and interact with deployed smart contracts on FISCO BCOS with ChainIDE.
Enhanced Debugging: Added a debugger plug-in to EVM-supported public blockchains, allowing developers to debug smart contracts using the JS VM (Javascript Virtual Machine).
New User Guide: Introduced a guide button that provides guidance on all of the essential modules of ChainIDE to help new users quickly and easily start developing with ChainIDE.
Fixed Issues
Added details about terminal usage.
Resolved page optimization issues.
Fixed an issue with JS VM's lack of decoded input and decoded output.
Last updated