1. Starknet IDE Environment Configuration

This section provides a detailed explanation of the environment configuration for Startknet IDE, which is essential for developing dApps on the Starknet blockchain.

1. Create a new Startknet Project

Visit ChainIDE and click the "Try Naow" button on the front page as shown in the figure below.

Here, you will choose your login method, which includes two options: GitHub and Guest. For this tutorial, select GitHub login, as later on, the use of the Sandbox requires users to log in with GitHub.

Click the "New Project" button.

A pop-up window will appear. On the left side of the pop-up, select "Starknet". Then, click to create a project using a template.

2. Configure Wallet

Starknet IDE provides support for both Argent X and Braavos wallets.

I. Argent X

Official download website for Argent X: https://www.argent.xyz/argent-x

II. Braavos

Official download website for Braavos: https://braavos.app

3. Acquiring test tokens

A faucet is the site/place where you can get test tokens. Use them to make sure your wallet has enough assets to cover the cost of deployment and pay transaction gas.

You can claim test tokens at the following link:

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